New to A Vintage Soul Design: Custom Vision Boards!

We are excited to be offering a new service at A Vintage Soul Design- Custom Vision Boards!

We are now offering a custom vision board tailored for your room. You will receive a 20x30 vision board for a first look at what decor and design ideas can be added to enhance your space. Also included is a carry and go 3-ring binder with a more in depth look to mirror what was on the first look board with detailed instructions and suggestions on how it can all be pulled together, & a pen with extra paper to add your own notes/updates as you carefully plan out the space. The binder will include anywhere from 30-50 high gloss photos.

The new Custom Vision Board is for a 15’x15’ size area. If you have additional rooms or a larger space then I can provide a customizable quote. 

Please click here to see pricing and more information!