Shy Place
Shy Place was all about what I love. The décor requested was rustic, comfy, cozy and functional. I love rustic and those forgot about items-I love using old things that are thrown in the woods left to rust. It is when you bring pieces like that with the new items that make them more appealing to the eye. There were several pieces like that I pulled from the dirt to use on the mantle or table. I’ve worked with this client before and she loves books, reading and all the coziness that goes along with that. Even though she felt the space needed to be rustic and chippy because of the surroundings, she also wanted a nice place to read. I knew that I would somehow incorporate that into the design before I even asked for her design needs. I immediately came up with the idea of using a hanging swing chair for the reading nook and the ideas evolved from there. The bookshelf and side table were unused in another area on the land. I always go scouting beginning with what you already own if given the permission to use whatever! The deconstructed books and air plants help with the low to no maintenance of cleaning and care for the porch while adding another layer to the bookshelf. The light beige cowhide rug underneath the swing helps to soften and brighten the dark red concrete floor.
Luckily the furniture, chairs, tables, and tv that you see in the before pictures I was able to use. Which left the design challenge more about the placement of furniture and creating zones to make the porch flow better and not seem so large. Small changes like that can make it feel more like a gathering place rather than an open football field especially when dealing with the size and shape of the screened porch.
I think what can help most people when deciding where everything should go is they need to first think of how the space will be used. I often create scenarios in my head from what my client tells me and then elaborate on that if the need arises such as their area complete with a dinner table and side serving table that you can even pull a bench up to if you are serving more than 6. The side table is on casters so the ease of moving it also a plus for when they serve more guests or have events. Also, there was a floating mantle on the wall and with no plans to make a permanent fireplace or install an electrical unit I pulled this unused firepit from outside and created a faux fireplace with stacked wood and twinkly lights inside to further create the ambiance of a fireplace. Now they can sit in the rockers and enjoy the view! The TV sitting area was pushed to the far left of the space just because after creating the faux fireplace it no longer worked in the original location. After several work nights at Shy Place, it is a very peaceful landscape when the night is calm, crosswinds blowing through the porch and the whippoorwills singing. I told my client if she cannot find me I will be hidden on her porch!